First Line - Diseases of the Inner Ear, Sensory Hearing Loss,Tinnitus, Vertigo, Meniere's Syndrome

Management of the Inner Ear, Sensory Hearing Loss,Tinnitus, Vertigo, Meniere's Syndrome - First Line


Conium Maculatum

7gm Pillules

For advice and information please
contact us.

Security policy - If you wish to view prices and order, please SIGN IN. Please select the currency from the Top menu. We do not store any credit/debit card information.


Delivery policy - We aim to ship orders of single remedies within 24 hours of receiving a confirmed paid order. On Full Sets we aim to ship within 3-4 days of receiving a confirmed paid order.


Return policy - Once order has been shipped we do not accept returns. In the event there is damage due to the Postal/Courier service we will send out a replacement at our expense.